Wednesday, June 30, 2010

About Touro Law Center's Academic Development Program

Touro Law Center's Academic Development Program is committed to seeing you succeed – we recognize that the law school experience is different from all other types of educational experiences and so its goal is to assist you in developing the specific skills required for mastery of legal analysis and writing.

Our Program begins during Orientation, and continues throughout your years at Touro. In addition to group workshops and study sessions, we offer one-on-one sessions for individualized assessment, plus help with your study approaches, essay writing, and training in legal reasoning and writing. We also offer supplemental bar preparation courses in your final semesters at the Law Center to jump start your bar studies.

This blog is yet another, new way in which we can provide tips for your academic success and quickly respond to your needs - we hope to give relevant advice based on where you are within your law school experience. It is important to remember that while the contents of each post are the opinions of the author(s), they do not always match those of other contributors - often, there are many approaches that successful law students undertake, and while one approach might work for one student, there is no one size which fits all approach.

We suggest taking our suggestions, and adapting them in a way that works best for you - we also encourage you to participate in all that Touro has to offer. We are available to meet with you to discuss your academic performance and to develop a study program that addresses your individualized needs.

We look forward to working with you.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Welcome to the Academic Development blog! We are here for your academic support needs -- we hope you check this site frequently for tips to enhance your study skills, including tips for time management, case reading and briefing, studying for exams, and other skills essential for your law school success.

We hope that you are enjoying your summer and look forward to seeing you in the Fall!